
9:10 am - 10:40 am for ages birth through 4 years

While children of all ages are welcome in our services, we realize that both parents and children may prefer a separate space for kids to express their wiggles and joyful noises. The nursery is the first place a child may feel community and God’s love in a church setting, and we take that very seriously!

Located at the back of the sanctuary and down the stairs, nursery is available during the 9:30 AM service September-May. A regular rotation of paid workers and church volunteers provides familiarity while children explore the many toys and activities available to them. Please sign your child in every time you use the nursery. On the rare occasion when the nursery is not staffed, you are welcome to use it yourselves.

If you would rather attend service with your child at your side, we offer fidget and calming toys at the back of the sanctuary.

For questions, please contact our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Bailey Steger.

Our Cozy Space