Our Season - article
“Our season” - Fr. Oswald Bwechwa
The church liturgical year that begins with advent has several seasons including Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Pentecost. I prefer to combine all these seasons into three. The first season starts with Advent and ends with Epiphany. I think of this season as God the creator season. It is during this season that we learn about creation, sin and the fall of humanity. We listen to stories about God’s steadfast love and mercy. We read about God who is ready to forgive and to redeem. Although sin separated us from God, the second Adam would be sent to reconcile us to God.
In the season of Advent, we prepare for the incarnation of God’s love into the world. Christmas is a celebration of the mystery of a God who so loved the world that he empties himself and becomes like one of us in order to redeem us. This love of God incarnate is manifest in Jesus Christ through the epiphany season.
After Epiphany, the second season begins. This season is dedicated to God the Redeemer in the second person of Jesus Christ. This season runs all the way to Ascension. It is in this season we behold the incarnate love of God. Jesus reveals the essence of God. The God who cares deeply and loves immensely. God who not only empties himself to become like one of us but who was willing to suffer death on the cross for our redemption. This is what we witness to in the Easter season. God does not hold back anything. He gives it up on the cross in order to bring us to God our creator.
The third season is what is known as the Pentecost season, the season of God the sanctifier who renews the face of the earth. This is what I call “Our season”. We are the vessels through which the work of Christ in the world continues. Jesus gave his disciples a mandate to go to the ends of the earth and preach the good news. This very mandate is accorded to us as well.
Yes, it is our time, it is our season. This year, our season is full of unprecedented challenges. Unlike previous seasons, this year we find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic. We find ourselves face to face with systemic injustices that need redress. A time that we find ourselves at crossroads. A time where good news is rare. A time of insecurity. A time of anxiety.
For some reason, to me this season is filled with hope. It is ironic. Within anxiety, fear, anger and hopelessness, I find many moments of grace. Yes, God never gives us a cross too heavy to carry. I believe that the spirit is moving. I have never witnessed moments of solidarity like I see around the world. I have never seen such moments of openness and dialogue than I see today. This is a grace filled time of expectations. God is in the midst of all that is happening and if we let His power of love shine, we have a bright future ahead.
Yes, it is our season. The good news is that this is also God the Holy Spirit’s time. With Him, our time is made easy and simple. We just have to let go and let the Spirit take over and lead the way. Mountains can be moved, and the kingdom of God slowly realized. Yes, it is your time together with God the sanctifier. With the Spirit of God leading the way, nothing is impossible.