Citizens and businesses have a role to play in demanding effective climate action
For the month of August, the Green Team explores our changing climate and steps taken from the national to local levels to find solutions. The third week highlights national to local efforts to stabilize climate. Citizens and businesses have a role to play in demanding effective climate action at all levels of government, and making personal and business decisions that reduce energy waste. In 2022, the federal government passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the single largest climate investment in clean energy solutions for America. This includes $369 billion for energy security and climate change and key measures to help organizations and households reduce energy bills, electrify their homes and vehicles, and convert to renewable energy. Learn about these projected benefits for Wisconsin. In Wisconsin, Focus on Energy will implement two of the programs included in the IRA target helping fund home improvement projects that save energy and lower bills: Home Efficiency Rebate (HOMES) Program and Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate (HEAR) Program.